Friday, July 2, 2010

july 2- coffee helps alot

i say that coffee helps alot because... well yesterday we (again) lost power for the morning and i didnt get to drink any coffee :) so i felt like i was in a funk all day. It was tough walking down the hill, doing to Sobre el puente with Samone, trying to sing and keep my eyes open, then come all the way back to casa and be here for the kids and interns too. I think the Lord was showing both me and Samone that we need to rest sometimes. The night before we had slept upstairs with the girls, gone to bed late, woken up early, probably had played soccer the day before.. and we were just bookin it all week. I think it is good to slow down sometimes and to rest in the realization that we can do nothing alone.. but our help and strength comes from the Lord.
 With that in my mind and heart,... we DID have electricity this morning and i was able to have 2 nice cups of coffee before we headed out this morning. Samone and I both felt alot better and it was a blessed day going to Sobre el Puente. It was one of the boys´birthday today... so we all celebrated that together. He wentout to buy tortillas, and when he came back we had balloons, cake, and presents. Afterwards he told us that this was the first time his birthday has ever been celebrated. He just turned 18- and this was his first birthday.Icouldnt really think about that at that moment... but ive been realizing how selfish I am when i think of my birthdays- how i think that i deserve something. He was very grateful today for everyone and everything. He is this amazing young man, plays the guitar amazingly, draws, sings... he´s just incredibly gifted. Please pray for his life. that he will be able to live one more year. That the Lord will open his heart to hear the gospel. That he will see that there is someone that loves him even more than the workers at sobre el puente do.
  I have been encouaged greatly by going to sobre el puente this week .It´s been hard to think abot theguys and girls when they leave. I have to put their lives in His hands. There was a girl that came today with her one year old, gorgeous, baby boy. I gave them both a haircut.... then we said bye to them later. Please pray for this young mother that is trying tocare for her baby while living on the street.
  tomorrow another intern is coming for 2 weeks. Im going to head to the airport to pick him up. then the Next week week is the week with the younger kids. We have tons of bible lessons, plays, and games all planned out... then the next week a team from Macon is coming..... sooo there is ALOT to pray for :) I know this post was kinda splotchy...and ill try to write more next time. love and peace.

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