Wednesday, October 6, 2010

If you had asked me about 3 weeks ago if I wanted to come home in Oct, I probably would have said yes- that i missed my family too much, that the work was too hard, that the kids were too difficult, that the sun was too bright, and i was in too much pain physically.
But thinking about it now, I cant imagine leaving.... whether in Oct with my group that's coming, or on Dec 3 (when i actually HAVE to leave). I dont like thinking about not being here. The Lord has been helping and strengthening me a lot recently... just enough to get through the day, then i start all over. It's so tiring at times, it's hot ALL the time, and keeping up physically is tough. But my help comes from the Lord, and He gives me just enough strengh, patience, and joy to make it.
Being here longer than 2 months, I see things. some things that i dont want to realize about people, Casa Hogar, and myself. But also being here more than 2 months has enabled me to get to know so many of the kids. 10 new kids arrived in just a month, and i love them so much!
My days the past month have pretty much been like this: get up- go to (either) Sobre el Puente, Or the school Nuevo Horizonte. Recently ive been going to the school to organize and come up with a system for their "library." It's been fun. Ive also been able to sit in on the classes and see how the english teachers teach.
-so then i leave and depending where i went that morning i either get back aroun 1 or 3.
-after the kids at Casa get back from school and they have eaten, I go and play with the little kids. We play alot, from doing flips and running around, playing horse, playing barbies, cards etc.. you know, what little girls do..
-at 5 it's homework time, and it always varies each day how long ill be doing that. yesterday we did homework till about 7, but some days it's 30 min.
-afternoons are full of chatting and talking, playing soccer, buying little candies, etc..

*a fun Monday*
-On Monday I accompanied the Preschool from Nuevo Horizonte on a field trip to the Naval Port(?) where all the boats are. It was so much fun! Honestly, i had a blast. I was in charge of Beth and Elsa (2 four year olds from Casa Hogar.) the base was full of Marines.. and Every time we passed anyone in a uniform  beth and Elsa said "buenos dias Marinero! Como esta!"-("Good morning Marine How are you!" ) it was adorable. We went on a huge boat but didnt even take off. and within 10 minutes i had to get off and just stand by the side of the boat because i got "sea sick." It was kinda embarrasing, and i hated to leave them, but i also didnt want to throw up. I just stood by the boat and waved at Beth and Elsa for the last 30 minutes of their boat tour. We got done around 11 30, and all the parents came to pick up their little kids, and i took the 4 kindergarden Casa hogar kids back home with me in Taxi. that was fun too, b/c beth and elsa were singing the whole time.  It was a good bonding day especially with the little girls, and i was very thankful that the other preschool teachers from Nuevo Horz. allowed me to go. We got home earlier than the other kids, so the 4 of them came in my kitchen and drew and watched a cartoon.

Not every day is full and exciting. some days im so tired that by the time I go upstairs to play with the girls i end up crashing on one of their beds instead.

well this computer is about to die, i have to go. im going to see my dad in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Hey, my sweet daughter! It is so good to hear from you .... i miss you ! You sound like you are fine...busy and tired...but fine. It won't be long until you see your dad. He is excited about the trip. Write me and tell me anything you may want... love you, Mama

Brianna said...

cant wait to see you!!!!

Samone said...

BEKA! Its a good thing you update this about as often as I go on haha I feel like I never miss a new post. I love reading your blog. It makes me ache for the kids and makes me really anxiouus to hear from you whenever you get home (december 3rd I suppose). I hope you know I miss you and I'm prayin for you and I know the Lord is with you so I don't really worry about you =). I can't believe there are already ten new kids since I left. Aughhh! I want to see you all. that is so exciting that your dad is coming...or maybe by now is already there. I know how excited you must be because I know how much you miss your family. I cant wait to hear all about this in your next post. Love you Beka and be safe.