Monday, September 6, 2010

almost sep 15!!

Hi yall.
 Since the last time i wrote the kids have started classes, I´m back at Sobre el puente in the mornings, and homework is basically all afternoon. I love getting up at seeing the kids leave for school. They have the cutest uniforms here in Mexico!  I dont understand why in the world schools would make them ever wear white, but all their uniforms are white with green pants, or red pants.. and they have to keep them super clean all the time. It´s interesting, and a little distressing seeing how similar the schools here are to the schools in France...from what i remember of france. I went with the kids about a month ago to their middle school, and today I went to one of the high schools just to see how it was. And I can say that it is ALOT different in the United States. It makes me a little nervous because I always said i wanted to be a´n english teacher here in Mexico...we´ll see.
 Like i always say,.. I really cant change anything here on my own, and sometimes my powerlessness is a little depressing. sometimes all I can do is continue in the little things like helping with homework, helping make food at sobre el puente, playing uno with the street kids, laughing with them, singing with them, .. playing soccer at casa,... I know God can use me in the mundane day to day stuff.
 But my patience and my good attitude collapses at times, my temper gets the better of me, and sometimes it is so frustrating living with kids. But it´s good to hang out with the older guys and girls too,. and recently ive been enjoying cooking and listening to music in the kitchen with some of the older ones. God has blessed me with some great times here, some difficult ones to learn by, and has given me great friends here.

In these past two weeks i have realized that the reason i have felt so consumed by the hard times is because i have been lacking personal devotional time. It´s good to realize again and again how important it is to read the Bible. .. which is what i had been forgetting these past few weeks. I wake up incredibly early and have no problem journaling and praying,... but as far as reading the Bible, I had been putting that off. I think it´s because i thought that i had read it all and didnt need to read it again so soon. But today and yesterday I started reading the Old Testament, probably for the first time in a LONG time, ... and you know what it´s actually really really interesting. It´s not full of stories of perfect people who performed miracles. The more I read the more i realize that it´s really full of stories of sinners who suffer from what we all suffer from...pride and unbelief. and more importantly it´s about how God´s grace was true then, and it´s true now. The more i realize how much of a sinner i am and how much Im forgiven, it makes it easier to forgive these kids at times.

 In closing... Ill be continuing to go to Sobre el puente in the morning, be in Casa in the afternoons. I need deep continuous prayer that I realize more why God has brought me here and what He wants. i need prayer to be able to stay true to my ministry here, to love these kids with all my heart and to want the best for them. I need prayer to love mexico... because its hard to not get frustrated with the culture differences.  I need prayer for my arthritis.
 Thank you all for supporting me. Im very thankful for this time here. Im thankful for my family here in mexico and the church, and im thankful for yall, family and friends, back in the states. I love you all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you and miss you . thank you for your honesty and vulnerability.
You sound good, but super busy ...
Why was this titled "Almost Sept. 15th! " What happens on Sept.15th ?
Just wondering.....