Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So there are about 5 more weeks left. time is flying by...
there was a new change of pace for me and the kids the past week when a team came. but it wasnt just any team.. it was MY team with my dad and sister! I cant really explain how excited i was even just knowing my dad was going to be there. but then when i saw my sister peak around the corner in the airport i lost it and did my whole crying over the top and embarrasing everyone around me thing. It was great to have that week with the my daddy and big sister and im SO THANKFUL for the people that made our time together possible. Thank you so much!!
 i know ill see them and everyone soon,.. ergo i didnt cry my eyes out when i said goodbye.

Honestly i didnt really know how much the team and i were going to get done in Casa Hogar. But making a dent in construction isnt what its all about. What its about is just being there.. being an example of love even for a short time. Even if a kids can have a good time, play a fun game, and be held by someone for a few days- thats something. I know the kids were greatly impacted by the team of women and my dad. They all gave so much love to the kids, and Christ was just pouring out of them everywhere they went.. and i know the kids can see that. Its especially good for the new boys and girls that just came to casa hogar.
The friday night fiesta was a hoot. PiÑatas, hamburgers, and dancing.. you cant really go wrong. I had a blast dancing with the kids and i loved dancing with my dad-who is a great dancer btw-

these past few days since the team left have been filled with the same ol thing... and i love it! some stuff this week,...
-Mornings always vary... monday i went to help out the missionary family Donna and Irving with her 3 kids. The afternoon was the usual playing with girls upstairs ... we have recently been playing a lot of ¨school¨ which they love to do. Im either the strict teacher, or the disobedient student. I also have been reestablishing my hidden love for soccer and have been playing a lot with the kids. I hope to come back able to do some pretty sweet moves. Tuesday was kinda funny... because of a miscommunication i ended up not going to sobre el puente in the morning. Its interesting how God can totally change how you thought your day was going to go. waking up and thinking you know exactly whats going to happen.... then having everything change. I liked it though, and used my morning at Casa to help some kids that wwere there with homework. The ones that go to the public school came back early so i ended up having extra time with them as well. Besides playing school.. we love to play tag, make bracelets, read, tickle, play ïm flying¨, and sleep. I love these girls so much i cant imagine being away from them. I know i cant be here forever... i cant be their mom or even their sister. But I can be something in the time im here. i can talk to them, love them, and try to help them understand that Jesus loves them too.
each one of them is so precious. not only to me, but to God. He has taken care of them by bringing them here, and they are so blessed to be in a safe and secure environment with people that love them and friends to play and talk to.
They are so silly-they love to play and invent things, play jokes, run around for no reason, dance like maniacs. they are so smart- they love to read, draw, organize, do homework. They are so talented- some are incredibly athletic, some love to dance, sing, play instruments, make bracelets..
Im going to miss them so much. They need so much love and have so much love to give.

This coming up week starting monday im going to be in charge of the youngest 2 girls while the real ¨care giver¨is going to be in the US. Ill be looking after two 4 year olds... soooo.. pray for me. I love these girls so much and im really excited, but also i know im naive in thinking i wont get tired or annoyed. Pray for the patience that im going to need...
Pray for the patience i need now as i am living daily with almost 60 kids. Pray that i stay focused and that my mission will continue to be to share the love of Jesus through my words and actions. Pray that i use the rest of my time here, 5 short short weeks, to do the best i can, to remember that Jesus loves me no matter what, and to love the kids. Pray that i dont get too sad as time is running down, and that ill look forward more and more to be back with my church, family and friends.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

If you had asked me about 3 weeks ago if I wanted to come home in Oct, I probably would have said yes- that i missed my family too much, that the work was too hard, that the kids were too difficult, that the sun was too bright, and i was in too much pain physically.
But thinking about it now, I cant imagine leaving.... whether in Oct with my group that's coming, or on Dec 3 (when i actually HAVE to leave). I dont like thinking about not being here. The Lord has been helping and strengthening me a lot recently... just enough to get through the day, then i start all over. It's so tiring at times, it's hot ALL the time, and keeping up physically is tough. But my help comes from the Lord, and He gives me just enough strengh, patience, and joy to make it.
Being here longer than 2 months, I see things. some things that i dont want to realize about people, Casa Hogar, and myself. But also being here more than 2 months has enabled me to get to know so many of the kids. 10 new kids arrived in just a month, and i love them so much!
My days the past month have pretty much been like this: get up- go to (either) Sobre el Puente, Or the school Nuevo Horizonte. Recently ive been going to the school to organize and come up with a system for their "library." It's been fun. Ive also been able to sit in on the classes and see how the english teachers teach.
-so then i leave and depending where i went that morning i either get back aroun 1 or 3.
-after the kids at Casa get back from school and they have eaten, I go and play with the little kids. We play alot, from doing flips and running around, playing horse, playing barbies, cards etc.. you know, what little girls do..
-at 5 it's homework time, and it always varies each day how long ill be doing that. yesterday we did homework till about 7, but some days it's 30 min.
-afternoons are full of chatting and talking, playing soccer, buying little candies, etc..

*a fun Monday*
-On Monday I accompanied the Preschool from Nuevo Horizonte on a field trip to the Naval Port(?) where all the boats are. It was so much fun! Honestly, i had a blast. I was in charge of Beth and Elsa (2 four year olds from Casa Hogar.) the base was full of Marines.. and Every time we passed anyone in a uniform  beth and Elsa said "buenos dias Marinero! Como esta!"-("Good morning Marine How are you!" ) it was adorable. We went on a huge boat but didnt even take off. and within 10 minutes i had to get off and just stand by the side of the boat because i got "sea sick." It was kinda embarrasing, and i hated to leave them, but i also didnt want to throw up. I just stood by the boat and waved at Beth and Elsa for the last 30 minutes of their boat tour. We got done around 11 30, and all the parents came to pick up their little kids, and i took the 4 kindergarden Casa hogar kids back home with me in Taxi. that was fun too, b/c beth and elsa were singing the whole time.  It was a good bonding day especially with the little girls, and i was very thankful that the other preschool teachers from Nuevo Horz. allowed me to go. We got home earlier than the other kids, so the 4 of them came in my kitchen and drew and watched a cartoon.

Not every day is full and exciting. some days im so tired that by the time I go upstairs to play with the girls i end up crashing on one of their beds instead.

well this computer is about to die, i have to go. im going to see my dad in 11 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!